UE5 C++ Timer的使用


FTimerHandle MyTimerHandle;


 void OnNext();


GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(MyTimerHandle, this, &MyActor::OnExplode, Time, false);




	 * Sets a timer to call the given native function at a set interval.  If a timer is already set
	 * for this handle, it will replace the current timer.
	 * @param InOutHandle			If the passed-in handle refers to an existing timer, it will be cleared before the new timer is added. A new handle to the new timer is returned in either case.
	 * @param InObj					Object to call the timer function on.
	 * @param InTimerMethod			Method to call when timer fires.
	 * @param InRate				The amount of time (in seconds) between set and firing.  If <= 0.f, clears existing timers.
	 * @param InbLoop				true to keep firing at Rate intervals, false to fire only once.
	 * @param InFirstDelay			The time (in seconds) for the first iteration of a looping timer. If < 0.f InRate will be used.
	template< class UserClass >
	FORCEINLINE void SetTimer(FTimerHandle& InOutHandle, UserClass* InObj, typename FTimerDelegate::TMethodPtr< UserClass > InTimerMethod, float InRate, bool InbLoop = false, float InFirstDelay = -1.f)
		InternalSetTimer(InOutHandle, FTimerUnifiedDelegate( FTimerDelegate::CreateUObject(InObj, InTimerMethod) ), InRate, InbLoop, InFirstDelay);