Hydrogen Live Wallpaper Privacy Policy 通用氢壁纸隐私协议

black android smartphone on top of white book

Update: 2023 – 08 – 20

Privacy Policy:

  1. My Commitment to Privacy
  2. Information I Collect
  3. How I Use Information
  4. How to Contact Me

My Commitment to Privacy: Your privacy is important to me. I will never collect your information and send it over the internet.

Information I Collect: None, I only store some information on your device to ensure the proper functioning of the APP.

How I Use Information: I only store some information on your device to ensure the proper functioning of the APP. No information will ever be collected.

How to Contact Me: If you have any questions about my privacy policy, you can reach out to me via email for support: jinhaihan@outlook.com







我对隐私的承诺: 您的隐私对我来说很重要. 我 永远不会 收集您的信息并发送到网络上。

我收集的信息: 没有,我只是存储了一些信息在您的设备上,确保APP可以正常运行。

我如何使用信息: 我只是存储了一些信息在您的设备上,确保APP可以正常运行。绝不会收集任何信息。

如何与我联系: 如果您对我的隐私政策有任何疑问,您可以向我发送邮件寻求支持:jinhaihan@outlook.com